
JavaScript or TypeScript

Take it easy, let’s find out which one is better, JavaScript or TypeScript?

Should we move from JavaScript to TypeScript? For articles with a similar heading, the authors usually have the answer in their minds. But they intend to leave the answer in the last paragraph to lure readers to read the whole article. Or even worse, leave an ambiguous answer at the end. So what are we […]

Take it easy, let’s find out which one is better, JavaScript or TypeScript? Read More »

React Frontend

React Frontend and Flask Backend for Weather Forecast – Part 2

From our last post, “Flask Backend and React Frontend for Weather Forecast – Part 1“, we built our magic user, RESTful API as the backend module with Flask. This time, we are going to build our sword swinger, who always deals with challenges at the front line. Before we go further, let’s have a little

React Frontend and Flask Backend for Weather Forecast – Part 2 Read More »